It's to die for

“He is terribly afraid of dying because he hasn’t lived yet." - Franz Kafka

Excessive advertisement, marketing, new products and events: new show premiers next Saturday, there's a new iPhone reveal on the 3rd, we're finally getting an In-n-Out burger, ect. 

There's a lot to live for. Question now is, is there anything to die for? 

I don't want to be morbid or edgy; but, a strong sense of purpose can be found in a strong balance of those two things:

1. What am I living for?

2. What would I die for?

And it has to be something deep down. Concepts that are timeless and present throughout human history: family, status, love, friendship, belonging, power, ect.

Living for the excitement and dying for what you live for. Knowing you can't live forever; but, leaving something behind -- that can.


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